Perceptions of Mission by Employees of Adventist Institutions Survey


Letter from Elder Ted Wilson, General Conference President
Frequently asked questions about the Employees of Adventist Institutions Survey
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la encuesta de los empleados de instituciones adventistas
Foire aux questions sur le sondage auprès des employés des institutions adventistes
Perguntas Frequentemente Feitas sobre a Pesquisa de Funcionários das Instituições Adventistas
Часто задаваемые вопросы об опросе сотрудников адвентистских учреждений
Întrebări frecvente despre ncheta angajaților instituțiilor adventiste
재림교회 직원 설문조사에 대해 자주 묻는 질문
Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan tentang Survei Karyawan Lembaga Advent

Survey is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Korean, Bahasa Indonesia


To survey employees of Seventh-day Adventist Organizations to determine their perceptions of the relationship between their own work to the mission of the Adventist Church, and the work of their institutions to the mission of the Adventist Church


Education (primary, secondary and tertiary levels), healthcare, publishing, food industries, ADRA.

Geographic scope: All 13 Divisions of the SDA Church


The survey has been commissioned by a committee that includes the General Conference President, Secretary, Treasurer, all Vice-Presidents, etc.


To assist leadership of the SDA Church in their strategic planning


The survey

Introducing participants who are about to start the General Conference Survey of Attitudes to Mission among employees of Seventh-day Adventist Organizations / Institutions.

Facilitating the survey

Explanation for facilitators (e.g. Conference Education Directors, Institutional Administers or their delegates, etc) on procedures to be followed in administering the General Conference Survey of Attitudes to Mission among employees of Seventh-day Adventist Organizations / Institutions.

Paper-based surveys

Explanation of how paper-based versions of the survey of employees of Adventist organizations should be managed.

Hope Channel Administrators

Briefing for Hope Channel Administrators about the survey of employees of Adventist organizations.


Prof Robert K McIver
(team leader)
A/Prof Peter W Kilgour
Dr Wendy A Jackson
Dr Sherene J Hattingh
Dr Stephen J Currow

Click here to read a summary of results from the North American Division
Click here to read a summary of the results from the South Pacific Division

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