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Primo Help

View or Download detailed instructions on how to use Primo Search.

Understanding PrimoSearch

How to use PrimoSearch
How do I find information on PrimoSearch?
How do I save records?

Managing Your Results

Can I save my search?
How do I check if the item is available?
I am getting too many or not enough results. What should I do?
Where can I find more details about an item?


How do I look for journal articles?
How do I find peer-reviewed journal articles?
How do I search individual journals?
How do I request an article that is not availabe full text?ย (Honours and Post-graduate students only)
What is the difference between a journal and a journal article?
I am looking for articles but it seems that every article is either not there or I am asked for a password or they want me to pay. What's the deal?

How do I .... ?

Borrow from another campus
Learn how to order items not available from your own campus library.

Renew an item
Save yourself fines and renew an item before it becomes overdue.

Submit an assignment using Turnitin
Quick tutorial showing you how to upload your assignment through Turnitin.

Find journal articles
Hints and tips on finding and accessing journal articles.

Request an item
Is the book you want on loan? Here's how to place a hold.

View details of search results
The results page provides important information about each item.

Request to waive fines

Fill in the online request to waive fines form.

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