A report on survey results submitted to the Office of Archives, Statistics and Research of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
This video is designed for those who are administering the General Conference Survey of Attitudes to Mission among employees of Seventh-day Adventist Organizations / Institutions (e.g. Conference / Field / Mission Directors of Education; Presidents of Institutions [or their delegate], etc). The video explains who commissioned the survey, where the questions in the survey were sourced, and discusses practical details in administering the survey.
In this video you will see the responses to questions in the Global Adventist Pastors’ Survey that reveal what Seventh-day Adventist pastors in local churches think about their work as pastors. It is a recording of a paper presented by Robert K. McIver to the 2024 Conference of the Adventist Human Subjects Researchers Association at Andrews University on May 25, 2024.
To design and administer a Pastoral Survey instrument focused on the following areas:
Pastors based in local churches in all 13 Divisions of the SDA Church
Survey responses to be collected in 2022
The survey has been commissioned by a committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists that includes the General Conference President, Secretary, Treasurer, all GC Vice-Presidents, etc.
Prof Robert K McIver
(team leader)
Dr Erika Puni
Dr Wendy A Jackson
Dr Stephen J Currow
Dr Brendan Pratt
Letter about the Pastor’s Survey from Elder Ted Wilson, General Conference President
Frequently asked questions about the Global Adventist Pastor’s Survey
Español- Preguntas Más Frecuentes (PMFs) sobre la Encuesta Global de Pastores Adventistas
Français – Questions fréquemment posées (FAQ) sur le Sondage Mondial des Pasteurs Adventistes
Português Perguntas Mais Frequentes (FAQ) sobre a Pesquisa Global de Pastores Adventistas
Български- Често задавани въпроси относно Глобалното адвентно пасторско проучване
Hrvatski-Često postavljana pitanja (FAQs) o Globalnoj anketi adventističkih pastora
全球基督复临安息日会牧师调查问卷 常见问题
Čeština- Často kladené otázky (FAQ) o Globálním průzkumu adventistických kazatelů
Deutsch – Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ) zur Globalen Umfrage unter adventistischen Pastoren
Bahasa Indonesia – Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan (FAQ) tentang Survei Pendeta Advent Global
Italianó – Domande frequenti (FAQ) sull’Indagine globale sui pastori avventisti
日本語 – グローバル・アドベンチスト・牧師アンケートについての、よくある質問集
Română- Întrebări frecvente despre Sondajul de Opinie al Pastorilor Adventiști
Srpski-Često postavljana pitanja Globalna Anketa Adventističkih Pastora
Українські-Часті запитання (FAQ) про Глобальне опитування пастора адвентистів