Discover Avondale University

Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation

Why study with us?

The Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation is a free tertiary pathway into university. It is for school leavers with no ATAR, and those who have not achieved an entry-level ATAR. It is also suitable for mature-aged students seeking an alternate entry into a bachelor’s degree.

With one-on-one support, students will develop tertiary literacy skills, particularly written, verbal and communication skills, and general academic skills that will prepare them for university and beyond.

Key Information

Study Mode:
On campus
Lake Macquarie, Sydney
Full-time: 0.5 year, Part-time: Equivalent years
Course Code:

Course Details

Upon successful completion of the Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation, graduates will be able to:
  • demonstrate skills and literacies appropriate for further education.
  • demonstrate knowledge and concepts with depth in the chosen areas of learning;
  • demonstrate effective research and communication skills and the capacity to analyse, solve problems, evaluate and respond critically to information and ideas from a range of sources;
  • work effectively with others, demonstrating initiative and independence as well as a capacity to function collegially;
  • demonstrate an informed respect for individual worth, cultural and social diversity, and environmental sustainability;
  • demonstrate the capacity to make ethical decisions that are linked to Christian values;

There are many options for satisfying the entry requirements for our courses. An applicant needs to meet at least one of the following entry requirements to be given an offer to study at Avondale.

I have completed my secondary education in Australia or New Zealand and achieved:

  • a selection rank of at least 45. A selection rank is calculated as the ATAR plus any adjustment factors that may be applicable; or
  • a minimum of 24 points in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma; or
  • New Zealand Year 13 NCEA Level 3 results, identifying university entrance attainment; or
  • an appropriate score in the uniTEST and the Tertiary Online Written Assessment; or
  • an appropriate score in the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)* or
  • the International Big Picture Learning Credential, or
  • a Senior Secondary Certificate (with no ATAR).

*Applicants must not be a current year 12 (or equivalent) student and must be 18 years or older at the time of commencing their course.

I have completed a Vocational education and training (VET) course in Australia or New Zealand and achieved:

  • an Australian Certificate III, or
  • an equivalent New Zealand certificate, as approved by the Director, Student Administration Services.

I have already attended university in Australia or New Zealand and:

  • successfully completed at least 2 units of a Bachelor’s degree or
  • completed a bridging or enabling course, or another recognised tertiary preparation course; or
  • successfully completed at least three units of Avondale’s Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation.

I have completed my secondary education or higher education qualification overseas:

  • refer to the Admission Policy (HE) for specific information regarding both the minimum academic entry standards (Appendix 1) and the English language proficiency requirements (Appendix 2).

I have other work and life experience:

If a Senior Secondary Certificate has not been completed, an eligible applicant may sit an admission test (uniTEST and TOWA or the Skills for Tertiary Admission Test).

In exceptional circumstances, an applicant may be admitted based on equivalent qualifications or work and life experience as assessed by the Course Convenor or delegate and/or the DVC Academic.

International Students

This course is available to international students who meet the Australian government requirements for a student visa to reside in Australia for the duration of the course. For information regarding visas refer to

English Language Requirements

Applicants whose primary language is not English must demonstrate English language proficiency through one of the following:

  1. achieving the IELTS score required for the course the applicant plans to study on successful completion of the Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation, or
  2. one of the other ways outlined in Appendix 2 of the Admission Policy (HE) for the course the applicant plans to study on successful completion of the Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation.

Advanced Standing

Applicants who have completed prior study may be eligible for advanced standing (credit recognition). Applicants should discuss their eligibility for advanced standing with the Admissions Team or the Course Convenor.

Depending on the units chosen, it is possible for students to receive full credit into most Avondale degrees including Teaching, Arts, Business, Ministry and Theology, and partial credit into Nursing. Therefore, it is important for students to select elective units that will transfer into their planned degree. For assistance, contact the Course Convenor.

For students commencing Semester 1

WHPE10101Foundations of Wellbeing
ARTS11110The Art of Scholarship
Electivein proposed area of study at 100 level
Electivein proposed area of study at 100 level

For students commencing Semester 2

GSTL15000Tertiary Writing
ARTS11100Interpreting Media Messages
Electivein proposed area of study at 100 level
Electivein proposed area of study at 100 level

To find out more about any of the units listed here, copy the unit code and then search for that unit here.

To view unit information, note the unit code and search for the unit in  Unit Outlines.

Career Opportunities

Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation students who successfully complete a minimum of three units receive guaranteed entry and credit into an Avondale undergraduate degree. Students who successfully complete a minimum of four units also have the opportunity to graduate from the Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation.

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