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Research Training Support Framework

Avondale’s Research Training Support Framework provides support, advice and resources for Avondale staff involved in the supervision of honours and postgraduate, and candidates enrolled in honours and postgraduate research degrees. The seven stages of the Framework track a candidate’s progress in the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees from pre-enrolment to post-graduation.

If you have any questions or feedback about this Framework, please email the Research Services Office: [email protected]

Support for the development of this of Avondale’s Research Training Support Framework was provided by an Extension Grant (2014-2015) from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The researchers involved in this project were: Maria Northcote, Tony Williams, Kevin Petrie, Kayle de Waal, Malcolm Anderson, Brett Mitchell and Gina Lemke. We would also like to acknowledge the ongoing expert advice that contributed to the development of this Framework from: Dr Janet Carton at University College Dublin, Prof. Joe Luca at Edith Cowan University, Prof. Margaret Kiley at The Australian National University and Assoc. Prof. Catherine McLoughlin at The Australian Catholic University. Thank you to Colin Chuang for designing the graphics on this site and to Brian Greentree for creating and maintaining the online site.

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