The TPA is conducted within the final professional experience placement of all Education degrees. The TPA reflects the elements of planning, teaching, assessing and reflecting. Each section is equally weighted (25%) and is deemed to be reflective of classroom teaching practice. The TPA assesses 31* out of 37* of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at Graduate level (*depending on context) which have been mapped across tasks within each section of the TPA.
Each of the TPA tasks will be graded as Exceeds Expectations, Demonstrated or Not Demonstrated except for the lesson observation in the Teaching section which is graded by the Tertiary Supervisor as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. Each section of the TPA must be passed for TES to meet the criteria for passing the TPA. The TPA will be graded overall as either a Pass (Satisfactory) or Fail (Unsatisfactory).
All Teacher Education Students must successfully complete the TPA as a requirement for graduation.