Maintaining a safe and secure environment is an important College objective. Student assistance in this is valued.
Students are requested to note the following:
Avondale University employs several security officers who care for general security (Master Licence # 409697296). Their tasks include patrolling the campus, ensuring buildings are secure, monitoring the entry and exit of personnel on to the campus, ensuring persons contacted after hours have legitimate reasons to be on campus, and caring for vehicle safety and parking on campus, including the allocation of fines for parking infringements.
For Lake Macquarie Campus Security phone 02 4980 2333 (24/7)
For Sydney Campus Security phone 02 9487 9988 (24/7)
Students are expected to assist and support security staff in their duties, and must provide their name and their ID card to the security staff on request.
Buildings, facilities, and fittings are to be cared for in an appropriate manner, and staff are to be notified of any breakages or damages. Students are to refrain from using any fire protection equipment for any purpose other than extinguishing a fire in the absence of a fire protection officer. Students are also to refrain from using substances or equipment that is a high fire risk, such as candles, fuel lamps, inflammable liquids, or open bar-heaters.
College keys remain the property of Avondale University, and any keys provided to students must be returned at either the mid semester break or end of the year, the time of leaving the College, or as requested by staff. Students should not borrow, lend or use other students' keys. It is against College policy for a student to have any key copied under any circumstances, or to enter another person's room, or any College building or room, by the misuse of keys such as jiggling the key, using an illegal copy of a key, or using a master key without permission. Similar terms and conditions apply to Access Cards for residential students.
Students are requested to take care in recreational and class pursuits, and if any accident or injury occurs, offer appropriate assistance, and call Residence Directors or staff members if further assistance is necessary. All students are encouraged to have adequate medical insurance plus ambulance cover. In the event of a serious illness or accident students will be responsible for any medical, hospital, and/or ambulance costs. College will notify parents/guardians of students under 18 years of age who have any serious illness or accident.
Students are not to possess or use firearms or fire-works on College property.
Residential students need to note that the College does not hold insurance cover for student's belongings. Students are encouraged to take out private contents cover for their own personal belongings through an insurance company of their choice.
The initial emergency action may be undertaken by a single person or with the assistance of others available at the time. Any person discovering a fire should:
Any person (student or staff) receiving a bomb threat should, where possible, record the threat message (use the form provided in the internal telephone directory) and report to Security, on Ext 333, so that proper action may be implemented.
For further information, please contact the Assistant Business Manager.