Library Services for Highschool Students
How do I become a member?
To become a member, you need to fill out a form available in the library, and a parent or guardian with ID must sign the application form if under 18. For more details, see Community Borrower page.
What is the cost?
The cost is only $22 per calendar year with membership expiring on the 31st December of each year. You will need to renew at the beginning of each year.
What does the fee cover?
You may borrow five books for two weeks with one renewal per item, provided it has not been reserved by anyone else. FREE access to the photocopier/scanner where you can scan your pages and send them straight to your email.
Is there anything I can't borrow?
• Journals and newspapers
• Music CDs, DVDs and videos (these may be viewed in the library)
• Reference, reserve and TMC materials
What happens if I return a book late?
When you borrow an item from the Library a Date Due receipt will be printed and placed inside your book. Please note that all Library correspondence including your reminder and overdue notices will be sent via email. It is your responsibility to check your email and return or renew your borrowed items on time.
Overdue fines are $1 per item per day. Your borrowing privileges will be suspended if you have items overdue or if you owe $5 or more in fines.
Can I photocopy?
Photocopying incurs a charge of 0.14c per page. Ask for the Guest Photocopy card at the Library Information Desk.
Scanning is free. Scan documents straight to your personal email address.
When is the library open?
See our
Opening Hours for up-to-date information.
Phone: 02 4980 2257
[email protected]