Discover Avondale University

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)

Why study with us?

The Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) (BA/BTch (Sec)) is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to teach in Christian, independent and state high school systems in both Australia and overseas. Avondale graduates are highly valued for being reflective, creative, and confident in the classroom.

Students will complete four Professional Experience Placements. These are undertaken at a range of schools to enable the application of theory in a practical setting. Students may also be able to undertake an overseas Professional Experience Placement.

Through innovative teaching, work integrated learning and a focus on health and wellbeing, this course prepares graduates for the classroom. Students can choose from a range of teaching areas listed below.

Secondary Teaching areas of study include:

  • Biology
  • Business Studies and Commerce
  • Chemistry
  • Computing Technologies
  • Design and Technology
  • English
  • Food Technology
  • Geography
  • Health and Physical Education
  • History (Modern and Ancient)
  • Home Economics
  • Industrial Technology
  • Legal Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Technology and Applied Studies
  • Textiles Technology
  • Visual Arts

Key Information

Study Mode:
On campus, Off campus
Lake Macquarie
Full-time: 4 years, Part-time: Equivalent years
Course Code:

Course Details

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary), graduates will be able to:
  • synthesise their personal and professional beliefs into a worldview that enables them to be effective and ethical teachers;
  • create quality learning experiences for all students;
  • demonstrate the acquisition of a body of knowledge and skills specific to the creative and professional practice of chosen discipline areas;
  • use personal competencies to enhance knowledge acquisition, communication, problem solving, creativity and sustainability;
  • design, implement and evaluate curriculum and assessment for diverse learners;
  • create sustainable, safe, respectful, socially just, and supportive learning environments;
  • promote holistic wellbeing practices in personal and professional settings;
  • address educational issues through research to improve teaching knowledge and practice;
  • demonstrate and employ a philosophy of service and servant leadership in professional and personal spheres;
  • reflect critically on professional practice, professional commitment, and ethical and moral responsibilities of the teaching profession.

There are many options for satisfying the entry requirements for our courses. An applicant needs to meet at least one of the following entry requirements to be given an offer to study at Avondale.

I have completed my secondary education in Australia or New Zealand and achieved:

*Applicants must not be a current year 12 (or equivalent) student and must be 18 years or older at the time of commencing their course.

I have completed a Vocational education and training (VET) course in Australia or New Zealand and achieved:

  • an Australian Certificate IV or higher, or
  • an equivalent New Zealand certificate, as approved by the Director, Student Administration Services.

I have already attended university in Australia or New Zealand and:

  • successfully completed at least 2 units of a Bachelor’s degree; or
  • completed a bridging or enabling course, or another recognised tertiary preparation course; or
  • successfully completed at least three units of Avondale’s Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation.

I have completed my secondary education or higher education qualification overseas:

  • refer to the Admission Policy (HE) for specific information regarding both the minimum academic entry standards (Appendix 1) and the English language proficiency requirements (Appendix 2).

I have other work and life experience:

If a Senior Secondary Certificate has not been completed, an eligible applicant may sit an admission test (uniTEST and TOWA or the Skills for Tertiary Admission Test).

In exceptional circumstances, an applicant may be admitted based on equivalent qualifications or work and life experience as assessed by the Course Convenor or delegate and/or the DVC Academic.

This course has additional entry requirements which are listed below:

Applicants must submit the Personal Statement for Initial Teaching Training (PSITE). The PSITE assesses the applicant’s suitability for becoming a teacher and consists of four questions with a maximum of 250 words per response.

If you plan to study any of the following secondary teaching areas, you must meet the relevant criteria for admission:


  • Recent HSC Chemistry and Mathematics (Advanced) or equivalent; or
  • Other qualifications may be acceptable. Students should contact the Course Convenor.


  • Recent HSC Mathematics (Extension 1) or equivalent; or
  • An alternative pathway is HSC Mathematics (Advanced) or equivalent plus MATH16400 General Mathematics.

Other qualifications may be acceptable. Students should contact the Course Convenor.


Admission to the Avondale Conservatorium is by audition.

Applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Performance: AMEB Grade 6 (or equivalent) on instrument or voice; and
  • Musicianship and/or Theory: AMEB Grade 4 (or equivalent).

Where an applicant does not meet the required minimum standard, admission is possible with other appropriate music experience upon approval from the Director of Music.

For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

To arrange an audition, email the Director of Music at [email protected].

International Students

This course is available to international students who meet the Australian government requirements for a student visa to reside in Australia for the duration of the course. For information regarding visas refer to

English Language Requirements

Applicants whose primary language is not English must demonstrate English language proficiency one of the following:

  1. achieving a minimum overall IELTS score of 7.5, with a minimum score of 7.0 in reading and writing, and a minimum score of 8.0 in listening and speaking, or
  2. one of the other ways outlined in Appendix 2 of the Admission Policy (HE).

Advanced Standing

Applicants who have completed prior study may be eligible for advanced standing (credit recognition). Applicants should discuss their eligibility for advanced standing with the Admissions Team or the Course Convenor.

The Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) consists of 32 units and requires 192 credit points for completion.

  • Every unit has a 6 credit-point value unless otherwise stated.
  • Students complete 4 units in each of the 8 semesters as a full-time load or part-time equivalent.

The 32 units required are as follows:

1Core unitsWHPE10101 Foundations of Wellbeing
14Discipline unitsIncluding Specialisation, Major, or Minor unit combinations from chosen pathway options.
17Education units13 Core Education units, plus 4 Curriculum and Pedagogical Studies units - Two for each of two teaching areas*

*For most students these units are teaching subject area dependent.

Discipline Unit Combinations

Students must select one of the following:

Two Majors

6 units to achieve a major

6 units to achieve a second major

2 elective units

Specialisation 8 units* plus Minor

8 units to achieve a specialisation

4 units to achieve a minor

2 elective units

Specialisation 10 units* plus Minor

10 units to achieve a specialisation

4 units to achieve a minor

*In some disciplines a specialisation is eight units and in other disciplines a specialisation is ten units. Students will select the option that aligns with the number of specialisation units in their elected specialisation study area.


Y indicates the availability of a specialisation (SP), major (MJ) or minor (MN) in each study area.

Study areasSPMJMN
Ancient History Y
Biology Y
Business Studies & Commerce YY
Chemistry Y
Computing Technologies Y
Design & Technology
Food Technology YY
Geography Y
Health & Physical EducationYY
Home Economics Y
Industrial Technology Y
Legal Studies Y
Mathematics YY
Modern History YY
Religious StudiesYYY
Science Y
Technology & Applied StudiesYYY
Textiles Technology YY
Visual Arts Y

Other teaching areas may be completed via cross institutional study after approval from the Course Convenor. These additional Secondary teaching disciplines include but are not limited to:

  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • Special Education
  • Languages
  • Physics

Other areas of study which may be included as part of the BA/BTch (Sec) course with approval from the Course Convenor include:

  • Chaplaincy
  • Counselling
  • Outdoor Education

Components and Descriptions

Core Unit
All students complete Foundations of Wellbeing (WHPE10101). This unit is compulsory and provides students with a foundational understanding of holistic health.

Discipline Units
All students will choose a discipline area to teach in. Depending on the number of units chosen, students will complete a minor, major or specialisation in the discipline.

Students who complete the required 8 or 10 units in the one discipline area complete a specialisation. The number of units required to complete a specialisation is dependent on the specific teaching area chosen.

Students who complete the required 6 or 8 units in the one discipline area complete a major. Majors from other degrees may be available, subject to timetable constraints and with the approval of the Course Convenor of the BA/BTch (Sec) and the Course Convenor of the Bachelor of Arts.

Students who complete the required four units in the one discipline area complete a minor. Minors from other degrees may be available, subject to timetable constraints and with the approval of the Course Convenor of the BA/BTch (Sec) and the Course Convenor of the Bachelor of Arts.

Elective Units
While students are encouraged to use their elective units to strengthen their chosen teaching fields, electives can be chosen from any units offered.

Professional Teaching Experience
Eight discipline units must be completed prior to the first scheduled professional teaching experience to ensure students have adequate knowledge to successfully complete their first teaching placement.

Core Education Units

These 13 units cover a range of current educational topics designed to prepare pre-service teachers to successfully teach secondary school students.

  • EDUC10102 Child Development & Learning
  • EDUC13101 Developing Your Core Competencies
  • EDUC20100 Exploring a Christian Worldview
  • EDUC20104 Indigenous Education
  • EDUC23100 Introduction to Teaching
  • EDUC23101 Managing the Secondary Classroom Environment
  • EDUC23102 Learning, Assessment & ICT in the Australian Curriculum
  • EDUC30101 Professional Development: Preparation for the Workplace
  • EDUC30102 Students with Special Education Needs
  • EDUC30105 Exploring a Philosophy of Christian Education
  • EDUC30108 Educational Research & Diversity
  • EDUC33101 Promoting Health & Wellbeing in Schools
  • EDPX30001 Professional Experience

Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogical Studies Units

These units provide pre-service teachers with the opportunity to apply quality-teaching principles to specific teaching areas.

Students normally complete two content specific Curriculum and Pedagogical Studies units per teaching area. These units are offered on a two-year rotation as shown.

EDUC35103Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Ancient HistoryOdd year
EDUC35104Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - BiologyOdd year
EDUC35105Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - ChemistryOdd year
EDUC35111Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Legal StudiesOdd year
EDUC35113Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Modern HistoryOdd year
EDUC35121Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - ScienceEven Year
EDUC35122Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - HistoryEven Year
EDUC35123Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - CommerceEven Year
EDUC35124Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Business StudiesOdd year
EDUC35126Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - English IEven Year
EDUC35127Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - English IIOdd year
EDUC35128Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Geography IEven Year
EDUC35129Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Geography IIOdd year
EDUC35130Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Health & Physical Education IEven Year
EDUC35131Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Health & Physical Education IIOdd year
EDUC35132Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Mathematics IEven Year
EDUC35133Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Mathematics IIOdd year
EDUC35134Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Music IEven Year
EDUC35135Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Music IIOdd year
EDUC35136Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Religion IEven Year
EDUC35137Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Religion IIOdd year
EDUC35138Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Visual Arts IEven Year
EDUC35139Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Visual Arts IIOdd year
EDUC35140Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Information Technology IEven Year
EDUC35141Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Information Technology IIOdd year
EDUC35142Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Design &Technologies IEven Year
EDUC35143Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - Design & Technologies IIOdd year
EDUC35144Curriculum & Pedagogical Studies - TechnologiesOdd year

Unit Set Configurations

The following information outlines the specific discipline units that make up the unit sets within this course. Students should communicate with their Course Convenors and relevant Strand Convenors when selecting their discipline units.

Ancient History Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35122 and EDUC35103 in addition to these units:

  • HIST11100 What is History
  • HIST21100 Beliefs and Myths of the Ancient World
  • HIST31100 Historical Practice

and one of the following Modern History units

  • HIST11140 Australian History: Key Themes
  • HIST21150 The World at War
  • ARTS31190 The Nature of Representation: Medium and Message

Biology Major
Students enrol in EDUC35121 and EDUC35104 in addition to these units:

  • BIOL15000 Introductory Biology
  • BIOL15100 The Diversity of Life
  • BIOL26200 Ecology
  • BIOL27300 Australian Flora & Fauna
  • BIOL30000 Human Physiology
  • BIOL36500 Molecular Biology

Business Studies and Commerce Major
Students enrol in EDUC35123 and EDUC35124 in addition to these units:

  • BBUS12010 Organisations in a Business Context
  • BBUS16020 Introduction to Accounting
  • HRMT27000 Human Resource Management
  • MKTG26000 Consumer Behaviour
  • MKTG28100 Marketing Communication
  • MNGT26100 Organisational Behaviour

Business Studies and Commerce Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35123 and EDUC35124 in addition to these units:

  • BBUS12010 Organisations in a Business Context
  • BBUS16020 Introduction to Accounting
  • HRMT27000 Human Resource Management
  • MKTG26000 Consumer Behaviour

Chemistry Major
Students enrol in EDUC35121 and EDUC35105 in addition to these units:

  • CHEM16000 Chemistry IA
  • CHEM16100 Chemistry IB
  • CHEM21000 Organic Chemistry
  • CHEM26000 Physical & Inorganic Chemistry
  • CHEM32700 Organometallic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • CHEM39000 Research Project in Chemistry

Computing Technologies Minor Units
Students enrol in EDUC35140 and EDUC35141 in addition to these units:

  • BBUS15050 Information Technology Systems in Business or A 100 level unit in foundation principles of Information Technology by cross institutional enrolment e.g. ITC161 Computer Systems (CSU)
  • A 100 level unit in principles of programming by cross institutional enrolment e.g. ITC106 Programming Principles (CSU) or equivalent
  • ITC211 Systems Analysis and Design with CSU or equivalent
  • ICTM39600 Information Technology Project or equivalent by cross-institutional enrolment

English Specialisation
Students enrol in EDUC35126 and EDUC35127 in addition to these units:

  • ARTS11100 Interpreting and Producing Media Messages
  • ENGL11100 Critical Approaches to Literature
  • COMM21130 Video Production and Digital Technologies
  • ENGL21100 Literary Studies of the Bible
  • ENGL21120 Literature for Children and Young Adults
  • ARTS31190 The Nature of Representation: Medium and Message
  • COMM31110 Creative Writing: The Art of Poetry and Short Story
  • ENGL31110 Global Voices: Literary Movements of the Twentieth Century

(COMM11100 Writing for Media Contexts may be an alternative for ARTS11100 Interpreting & Producing Media Messages if approved by the English Strand Convenor)

English Major
Students enrol in EDUC35126 and EDUC35127 in addition to these units:

  • ARTS11100 Interpreting and Producing Media Messages
  • ENGL11100 Critical Approaches to Literature
  • ENGL21120 Literature for Children and Young Adults
  • ENGL31110 Global Voices: Literary Movements of the Twentieth Century

and one of the following units:

  • COMM21130 Video Production and Digital Technologies
  • ENGL21100 Literary Studies of the Bible

and one of the following units:

  • ARTS31190 The Nature of Representation: Medium and Message
  • COMM31110 Creative Writing: The Art of Poetry and Short Story

(COMM11100 Writing for Media Contexts may be an alternative for ARTS11100 Interpreting & Producing Media Messages if approved by the English Strand Convenor)

English Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35126 and EDUC35127 in addition to these units:

  • ARTS11100 Interpreting and Producing Media Messages
  • ENGL11100 Critical Approaches to Literature
  • ENGL21120 Literature for Children and Young Adults

and one of the following units

  • COMM21130 Video Production and Digital Technologies
  • ENGL21100 Literary Studies of the Bible
  • ENGL21130 Australian Literature: Issues & Contexts
  • ARTS31190 The Nature of Representation: Medium and Message
  • COMM31110 Creative Writing: The Art of Poetry and Short Story
  • ENGL31110 Global Voices: Literary Movements of the Twentieth Century

(COMM11100 Writing for Media Contexts may be an alternative 100 level unit if approved by the English Strand Convenor)

Food Technology Major units
Students enrol in EDUC35142 and EDUC35143 in addition to these units:

  • DTFN11100 Food, Nutrition & Health
  • DTFN21100 Food Production Systems
  • DTFN21200 Food Science & Innovation
  • HPFH20100 Nutrition, Development & Performance
  • DTFN31200 Food Product Design Project

and one of the following units

  • DTFN31100 Food Industry Experience (only for suitable students)
  • HPFH36300 Social Nutrition & Health Promotion

Food Technology Minor units
Students enrol in EDUC35142 and EDUC35143 in addition to these units:

  • DTFN11100 Food, Nutrition & Health
  • DTFN21100 Food Production Systems
  • DTFN21200 Food Science & Innovation
  • HPFH20100 Nutrition, Development & Performance

Geography Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35128 and EDUC35129 in addition to these units:

  • GEOH11100 Responding to Global Issues
  • GEOH12000 Environmental Issues
  • GEOP23000 Biophysical and Ecosystem Interactions
  • GEOH31110 Cities and Urban Places

Health and Physical Education Specialisation
Students enrol in EDUC35130 and EDUC35131 in addition to these units:

  • WHPE10100 Team Sports
  • WHPE10104 Exercise and Sports Science
  • WHPE20100 Skill Acquisition
  • WHPE20101 Gymnastics and Dance
  • WHPE20102 Physical Education: Game Sense
  • WHPE20103 Physical Education: Athletics and Aquatics
  • WHPE30100 Physical Activity and Sport in Society
  • HPFH30101 Family Relationships and Adolescent Health Issues

The following units are a requirement of the HPE specialisation but are already completed as part of the core education requirements:

  • WHPE10101 Foundations of Wellbeing
  • EDUC33101 Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Schools

Health and Physical Education Major
Students enrol in EDUC35130 and EDUC35131 in addition to these units:

  • WHPE10100 Team Sports
  • WHPE10104 Exercise and Sports Science
  • WHPE20101 Gymnastics and Dance
  • WHPE20102 Physical Education: Game Sense
  • WHPE20103 Physical Education: Athletics and Aquatics
  • HPFH30101 Family Relationships and Adolescent Health Issues

The following units are a requirement of the HPE major but are already completed as part of the core education requirements:

  • WHPE10101 Foundations of Wellbeing
  • EDUC33101 Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Schools

Industrial Technology Major
Students enrol in EDUC35142 and EDUC35143 in addition to these units

  • DTDP10101 Design Principles & Practice
  • DTDP10102 Introduction to Design Workshop Practice
  • DTDP20113 Metal Technology & Design Workshop
  • DTDP20111 Computers in Design & Technology
  • DTDP20102 Timber Technology & Furniture Design
  • DTDP30113 Metal Technology & Design Innovation
  • DTDP30111 Digital Technologies & Project-based learning
  • DTDP30102 Design & Technology Project (must choose timber option)

Legal Studies Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35123 and EDUC35111 in addition to these units:

  • BBUS14060 Business Law
  • LAW00527 Corporations Law at CSU or equivalent unit as approved by the Strand Convenor
  • MKTG26000 Consumer Behaviour
  • BBUS36090 Professional Ethics

Mathematics Major
Students enrol in EDUC35132 and EDUC35133 in addition to these units:

  • MATH16000 Mathematics IA
  • MATH16100 Mathematics IB
  • MATH26000 Calculus II
  • MATH26100 Algebra II
  • MATH36100 Algebra III
  • MATH36400 Complex Analysis and Advanced Mathematical Methods

Mathematics Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35132 and EDUC35133 in addition to these units:

  • MATH16000 Mathematics IA
  • MATH16100 Mathematics IB
  • MATH26000 Calculus II
  • MATH26100 Algebra II

Modern History Major
Students enrol in EDUC35122 and EDUC35113 in addition to these units:

  • HIST11100 What is History
  • HIST11140 Australian History: Key Themes
  • HIST21100 Beliefs and Myths of the Ancient World
  • HIST21150 The World at War
  • HIST31100 Historical Practice
  • ARTS31190 The Nature of Representation: Medium and Message

Modern History Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35122 and EDUC35113 in addition to these units:

  • HIST11100 What is History
  • HIST11140 Australian History: Key Themes
  • HIST21100 Beliefs and Myths of the Ancient World

and one of the following units

  • HIST21150 The World at War
  • HIST31100 Historical Practice

Music Specialisation
Students enrol in EDUC35134 and EDUC35135 in addition to these units:

  • MUSC11103 Solo Performance 1
  • MUSC11104 Musicianship & Ensemble Performance 1
  • MUSC11121 Musicology 1
  • MUSC20113 Solo Performance 2
  • MUSC20114 Musicianship & Ensemble Performance 2
  • MUSC20121 Musicology 2
  • MUSC31101 Solo Performance 3
  • MUSC31102 Musicianship & Ensemble Performance 3
  • MUSC31121 Musicology 3

and one of the following

  • MUSC31111 Solo Performance 4
  • MUSC31112 Musicianship & Ensemble Performance 4
  • MUSC31131 Musicology 4

Music Major
Students enrol in EDUC35134 and EDUC35135 in addition to these units:

  • MUSC11103 Solo Performance 1
  • MUSC11104 Musicianship & Ensemble Performance 1
  • MUSC11121 Musicology 1
  • MUSC20113 Solo Performance 2
  • MUSC20114 Musicianship & Ensemble Performance 2
  • MUSC20121 Musicology 2

and two of the following

  • MUSC31101 Solo Performance 3
  • MUSC31102 Musicianship & Ensemble Performance 3
  • MUSC31121 Musicology 3

Outdoor Education Minor
As this is not a teaching area in NSW, students who complete this cluster of units do not complete any associated curriculum & pedagogical studies units. Elective units will replace these if needed to meet the required 192 credit points to graduate. The four units recommended in this area include:

  • OEHP10100 Perspectives in Outdoor Education
  • OEHP20200 Sea Kayaking
  • OEHP20300 Expedition Planning and Management
  • OEHP20400 Leadership in the Outdoors

Religious Studies Specialisation
Students enrol in EDUC35136 and EDUC35137 in addition to these units:

  • BBNT16110 Mark & Luke
  • THEO16110 Theology and Faith
  • BBOT26111 Old Testament Meta-narrative
  • 200 level unit providing an overview of Christian history (see Strand Convenor)
  • THEO36113 Religions of the World

and three of the following units (with at least one at 300 level) from:

  • BBNT16120 Pauline Studies 1
  • THEO16120 Introduction to Adventist Heritage
  • BBTR26100 Study Tours - Bible Lands
  • ENGL21100 Literary Studies of the Bible
  • HIST21100 Belief and Myth in the Ancient World
  • THEO26110 Revelation, Inspiration and Hermeneutics
  • THEO36110 Salvation and Eschatology
  • THEO36120 Doctrine of God and the Work of Christ
  • THEO36130 Ecclesiology and Sabbath

Religious Studies Major
Students enrol in EDUC35136 and EDUC35137 in addition to these units:

  • BBNT16110 Mark & Luke
  • THEO16110 Theology and Faith
  • BBOT26111 Old Testament Meta-narrative
  • THEO36113 Religions of the World

and one of the following units from

  • BBTR26100 Study Tours - Bible Lands
  • THEO26110 Revelation, Inspiration and Hermeneutics

and one of the following units from:

  • THEO36110 Salvation and Eschatology
  • THEO36120 Doctrine of God and the Work of Christ
  • THEO36130 Ecclesiology and Sabbath

Religious Studies Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35136 and EDUC35137 in addition to these units:

  • BBOT26111 Old Testament Meta-narrative
  • THEO36113 Religions of the World

and one of the following units from

  • BBNT16110 Mark & Luke
  • BBNT16120 Pauline Studies

and one of the following units from

  • THEO16110 Theology and Faith
  • THEO16120 Introduction to Adventist Heritage
  • BBTR26100 Study Tours - Bible Lands
  • ENGL21100 Literary Studies of the Bible
  • THEO26110 Revelation, Inspiration and Hermeneutics

Science Major
Students enrol in EDUC35121 and either EDUC35104 OR EDUC35105 in addition to these units:

  • PHYS16300 General Physics
  • CHEM16300 General Chemistry OR CHEM16000 Chemistry IA
  • BIOL15000 Introductory Biology OR BIOL15100 The Diversity of Life
  • GEOH12000 Environmental Issues
  • A 200 level CHEM, BIOL or GEOP coded unit
  • A 300 level CHEM or BIOL unit

Textiles Technology Major
Students enrol in EDUC35142 and EDUC35143 in addition to these units

  • DTDP10104 Textiles in Design Practice
  • DTDP20104 Textiles & Fashion Design
  • DTDP20105 Textile Art & Design
  • DTDP20111 Computers in Design & Technology
  • DTDP30103 Textiles Science & Design Innovation
  • DTDP30102 Design & Technology Project (must choose textiles option)

Textiles Technology Minor
Students enrol in EDUC35142 and EDUC35143 in addition to these units:

  • DTDP10104 Textiles in Design Practice
  • DTDP20104 Textiles & Fashion Design
  • DTDP20105 Textile Art & Design
  • DTDP30103 Textile Science & Design Innovation

Visual Arts Major
Students enrol in EDUC35138 and EDUC35139 in addition to these units

  • VISC21120 Digital Photography and Concepts
  • VISC31110 History & Theory of Art

and three of the following units from

  • VISC11100 General Painting and Drawing
  • VISC11130 Ceramics Theory and Practice
  • VISC21100 Life Painting and Drawing
  • VISC21130 Sculpture Theory and Practice

and one of the following units from

  • VISC31185 Art Studio A
  • VISC31190 Art Studio B

Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) Specialisations
TAS Pattern 1 Specialisation: 10 units

7 unitsDesign & Technology Core
3 unitsTechnology option

TAS Pattern 2 Extended Specialisation: 14 units

7 unitsDesign & Technology Core
3 unitsFirst Technology option
3 unitsSecond Technology option
1 unitElective

Teaching fields include:

  1. Design and Technology (including Technology Mandatory), and
  2. Technology option as selected from:
  • Food Technology
  • Textiles and Design (including Textiles Technology)
  • Industrial Technology
  • Graphics and Multimedia (including Graphics Technology)
  • Information Processes and Technology

Students enrol in EDUC35142 and EDUC35143 in addition to these units. If completing TAS Pattern 2 also enrol in EDUC35144. For Information Processes and Technology as an additional teaching area enrol in EDUC35140 and EDUC35141 and see Course Convenor.

Design and Technologies Core (7 units required)

  • DTDP10101 Design Principles & Practice
  • DTDP10102 Introduction to Design Workshop Practice
  • DTDP10104 Textiles in Design Practice
  • DTFN11100 Food, Nutrition & Health
  • DTDP20111 Computers in Design & Technology
  • DTDP30111 Digital Technologies & Project-based Learning

and one of the following design project units

  • DTDP30102 Design & Technology Project (Industrial Technology students must choose timber option)
  • DTFN31200 Food Product Design Project
  • ICTM39600 Information Technology Project or equivalent

Industrial Technology Option (3 units)

  • DTDP20113 Metal Technology & Design Workshop
  • DTDP20102 Timber Technology & Furniture Design
  • DTDP30113 Metal Technology & Design Innovation

Food Technology Option (3 units)

  • DTFN21100 Food Production Systems
  • DTFN21200 Food Science & Innovation

and one of the following units

  • DTFN31200 Food Product Design Project (if not done as the core design project unit)
  • HPFH20100 Nutrition, Development & Performance

Textiles Technology Option (3 units)

  • DTDP20104 Textiles & Fashion Design
  • DTDP20105 Textile Art & Design
  • DTDP30103 Textile Science & Design Innovation

Information Technology Option (3 units)

  • BBUS15050 Information Technology Systems in Business or A 100 level unit in foundation principles of Information Technology by cross institutional enrolment e.g. ITC161 Computer Systems (CSU)
  • A 100 level unit in principles of programming by cross institutional enrolment e.g. ITC106 Programming Principles (CSU) or equivalent
  • ITC211 Systems Analysis with CSU or equivalent

For information pertaining to Information Processes and Technology as a first teaching field, see TAS Strand Convenor regarding additional cross-institutional units.

Graphics and Multimedia Option (3 units)

  • 3 graphics and multimedia units by cross-institutional study or from Avondale selected in consultation with the TAS Strand Convenor
  • Must include: MPI221 Multimedia Design & Creation (CSU) or equivalent
  • It is also recommended that these students also choose the Industrial Technology option and choose an elective in Graphics and Multimedia

Mixed Technology Option (3 units)
(Only available in TAS Pattern 2)

  • Any 3 technology units not already selected in TAS Pattern 2.
  • May included cross-institutional units selected in consultation with the TAS Strand Convenor

VET Technology Options (3 units or 4 units if include elective)
(Only available in TAS Pattern 2)

  • Advanced standing for up to four units for VET trade qualifications plus post trade qualification industry experience and Certificate IV in Training & Assessment from a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) based on meeting the requirements to teach VET in Schools such as Hospitality, Construction, Information Technology. (Credit Points: 18-24)

TAS Pattern 2 Elective

  • Students can choose any unit as an elective.

Home Economics/Design and Technologies Double Major
Teaching fields include:

  • Design and Technology (including Technology Mandatory),
  • Food Technology, and
  • Textiles and Design (including Textiles Technology) if required textiles units selected.

Students enrol in EDUC35142 and EDUC35143 and EDUC35144

Design and Technologies Core (7 units required)

  • DTDP10101 Design Principles & Practice
  • DTDP10102 Introduction to Design Workshop Practice
  • DTDP10104 Textiles in Design Practice
  • DTFN11100 Food, Nutrition & Health
  • DTDP20111 Computers in Design & Technology
  • DTDP30111 Digital Technologies & Project-based Learning

and one of the following design project units

  • DTDP30102 Design & Technology Project
  • DTFN31200 Food Product Design Project

Food Technology (3 units required)

  • DTFN21100 Food Production Systems
  • DTFN21200 Food Science & Innovation
  • HPFH20100 Nutrition, Development & Performance

plus choose four of the following units:

  • DTDP20104 Textiles & Fashion Design
  • DTDP20105 Textile Art & Design
  • DTDP30103 Textile Science & Design Innovation
  • HPFH20101 Families & Their Communities
  • HPFH30101 Family Relationships & Adolescent Health Issues
  • HPFH36300 Social Nutrition & Health Promotion

Students seeking to add Textiles Technology as a teaching area must see the TAS Course Convenor before selecting from these units.

To view unit information, note the unit code and search for the unit in  Unit Outlines.

Students have regular opportunities to practice their developing teaching skills in the classroom through Professional Experience Placements. For students in an undergraduate degree this is a minimum of 80 days. This provides opportunities to develop essential mastery of the Graduate Teaching Standards, required by the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) prior to graduation.

It is important that teacher education students:

  • Be available during regularly scheduled Professional Experience Placements, refraining from booking other events during this time
  • Be willing to experience a variety of school contexts
  • Take responsibility for any transport or accommodation costs associated with their Professional Experience Placement

Students must provide evidence of compliance on arrival at each school for their Professional Experience Placement. Evidence includes:

  • Working With Children Check
  • Child Protection Awareness Training and annual updates
  • ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training
  • NSW Department of Education Code of Conduct

If students become ineligible to visit schools for Professional Experience Placements or are barred from attending at a school for any reason, they will not be able to complete this degree.

Fitness for Teaching

Students need to demonstrate their fitness for teaching to complete a Professional Experience Placement. This means being able to:

  • Maintain satisfactory academic progression before Professional Experience Placement
  • Act in a way that demonstrates sound cognitive, mental, emotional and physical health, and be able to cope with the varying demands of classroom situations
  • Demonstrate the ability to cope effectively with stressful situations
  • Demonstrate the ability to maintain a duty of care while on Professional Experience Placement
  • Relate to students in an age-appropriate and professional manner
  • Be able to model appropriate literacy and numeracy skills in the classroom and beyond.

Conflicts of Interest

Teacher education students should seek Professional Experience Placements in schools where no relatives or friends are working or attending. This is to avoid a conflict of interest in mentoring and assessing teacher education students. Otherwise, any relationship must be disclosed, with Avondale reserving the right to make a decision regarding the Professional Experience Placement. Failure to disclose this information may mean that the grade for the Professional Experience Placement is subject to revision or annulment. Students cannot complete a placement at a school where they are a present or past employee.

Post Admission Requirements

Working with Children Check (WWCC)

Students will need to obtain a New South Wales Working with Children Check, as well as the equivalent Working with Children Check in any state or territory in which they intend to complete a Professional Experience Placement. Students enrolled in an initial teacher education degree will need to have obtained an NSW WWCC no later than the end of their first year.

Students need to apply for a Working with Children Check online through the Office of the Children's Guardian. After the application is complete, the application number and the expiry date must be emailed to the Professional Experience Placement Officer.
E: [email protected]

Child Protection Awareness Training

Students are required to complete the Child Protection Awareness Training within the first two weeks of the semester, before the first Professional Experience Placement. The training is a self-paced online e-learning course available through the NSW Department of Education. Students should save their evidence of completion as a PDF file and email it to the Professional Experience Placement Officer. E: [email protected].

Child Protection Update

When a student has completed the Child Protection Awareness training, they must register for MyPL, and then complete Child Protection Updates annually.

The specific focus of the annual Child Protection Update varies each year, depending on current needs as identified by the NSW Department of Education. The aim of the course is to provide a general refresher on recognising and responding to suspected risk of harm across a range of categories. It reminds those working in an education context of the actions to take when identifying and responding to students at risk of harm.

ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training

The NSW Department of Education mandates that students receive anaphylaxis management training before commencing their first Professional Experience Placement. Students are required to complete ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training for Australian schools.

Once completed, please print, scan, and email the certificate(s) to the Professional Experience Placement Officer.
E: [email protected]

National Literacy and Numeracy Test (LANTITE)

Government requirements stipulate that students must pass the Government Literacy and Numeracy Test (LANTITE) in order to commence their final Professional Experience Placement. It is advised that students sit this test in the first year of their course. The booking of and the payment for these tests is the responsibility of each student, being separate to tuition fees.

The Placement Officer is available to assist students with all post admission requirements and can be contacted at:
E: [email protected]
T: 02 4980 2180

At the completion of the course, students must register with the state professional teaching body before they are eligible to teach in a school. In New South Wales this accrediting body is the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA).

Career Opportunities

The BA/BTch (Sec) is designed to successfully prepare secondary teachers with necessary critical thinking skills for the classroom environment, and adaptability for the evolving educational system. Graduates are qualified for teaching and non-teaching roles in education.

BA/BTch (Sec) graduates develop skills for roles such as:

  • Secondary School Teacher
  • Secondary School Administrator
  • Tutor

Graduates are qualified to teach in independent and state school systems in both Australia and overseas. In addition to education-related careers, teachers find careers in corporate and government roles where organisational and relationship skills are valued by employers.

Download course guide

Sahil's Story

"You're going to come out a better person, not just academically, but both spiritually, both through your wellbeing as well. It's just a place that cares."

- Sahil, Bachelor of Arts/
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
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