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TEACH Journal of Christian Education

TEACH Journal of Christian Education is hosted by the Christian education Research Centre at Avondale University and is published by Avondale Academic Press. It is part of The Ministry of Teaching, a collaborative initiative of Adventist Schools Australia and shared stakeholders. Publication began in 2007 to fulfil shared purposes including affirming and informing established educators, attracting and supporting young adults in choosing and committing to a teaching career and empowering Christian education communities. 
Journal content demonstrates exemplary practice, reports current research, reviews philosophical and theoretical positions and recounts the potential for satisfaction and fulfilment in the change agent role of effective teaching. 
To select a past issue, OR search (the whole journal, only peer reviewed articles, research repositories) use the appropriate option in the left side menu.
Vol 17 | No 1 | 2023
Vol 16 | No 2 | 2022
Vol 16 | No 1 | 2022
Vol 15 | No 2 | 2021
Vol 15 | No 1 | 2021
Vol 14 | No 2 | 2020
Vol 14 | No 1 | 2020
Vol 13 | No 2 | 2019
Vol 13 | No 1 | 2019
Vol 12 | No 2 | 2018
Vol 12 | No 1 | 2018
Vol 11 | No 2 | 2017
Vol 11 | No 1 | 2017
Vol 10 | No 2 | 2016
Vol 10 | No 1 | 2016
Vol 9 | No 2 | 2015
Vol 9 | No 1 | 2015
Vol 8 | No 2 | 2014
Vol 7 | No 2 | 2013
Vol 7 | No 1 | 2013
Vol 6 | No 1 | 2012
Vol 5 | No 2 | 2011
Vol 5| No 1 | 2011
Vol 4 | No 2 | 2010
Vol 4 | No 1 | 2010
Vol 3 | No 2 | 2009
Vol 3| No 1 | 2009
Vol 2 | No 2 | 2008
Vol 2 | No 1 | 2008
Vol 1 | No 1 | 2007


The journal publishes articles informing Christian education that relate to teaching and professional practice; educational administration; research and scholarship; and also includes reflections, impressions and experiences of Christian educators.

TEACH Journal of Christian Education is published biannually by Avondale Academic Press, with editions in April and September. The journal invites and welcomes contributions that relate to its mission and the various content areas covered by the journal. It intends to provide a forum for topics of interest and issues relevant to Christian education. 

Contributors may request that submissions be refereed. It should be noted that all papers included in the Research and Scholarship section are fully refereed.


TEACH Journal of Christian Education is hosted by Christian Education Research Centre under the auspices of Avondale University, NSW, Australia and its governing and affiliated bodies. 


Views expressed in the journal are not necessarily those of the publisher or stakeholders. Also, the publisher is not responsible for the quality of goods or services advertised.

Mission statement

To challenge, inform, affirm and encourage Christian educators from various sectors ─ Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary ─ in developing sound philosophical and theoretical bases as well as excellence in practice; enabling them to perform an effective Christian teaching ministry.

Vision statement

Empowered learning communities because of passionate, reflective Christian educators "telling their stories" through sharing experiences, skills, knowledge, and research.


Articles and materials in TEACH Journal of Christian Education fall into four general categories:
• Teaching and professional practice
This section includes pedagogical practice and curriculum matters related to specific subjects; action research projects; resources; 'cameos' or ‘snapshots’ of effective and innovative classroom practice.
• Research and scholarship
A scholarly section that is comprised of refereed / peer reviewed articles including essays, philosophical papers, research reports, and reviews or critiques of issues that are of special interest.
• Educational administration
This category incorporates articles on school administration including relationships to the law, organisational culture and climate, decision making, human resources management and school development.
• Reflections, impressions and experiences
A section that contains book reviews, conference notices and reports, reflections, impressions and experiences of Christian educators, including other matters of relevance and interest.


Peter Beamish
Editorial Board
Peter Beamish
Jean Carter
Kevin Petrie
Sherry Hattingh
Sandra Ludlow
Peter Williams
Michelle Rowland
PhD Student TBA

Consulting editors

Consulting Editors
K. de Berg, PhD (University of Queensland)
M. Coulson, PhD (University of Newcastle) 
R. McIver, PhD (Andrews University)
D. Murdoch, PhD (University of Newcastle)
R. Pearce, PhD (University of Newcastle)
R. Priestley, PhD (University of Sydney)
TEACH Journal of Christian Education is published twice per annum and made available to subscribers in hard copy for an annual subscription fee or is accessible in electronic format, free of charge, at 

Single copy (only) ……………………………………………… $7.50
Annual Individual subscription ………………………………. $15.00
Multiple hard copies less than five …………….(multiple of $15.00)
Multiple copies to libraries and Institutions ……… request a price)

Subscription enquiries should be sent to:

The Editor
TEACH Journal of Christian Education
Avondale University
PO Box 19
Cooranbong NSW 2265
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