To challenge, inform, affirm and encourage Christian educators from various sectors ─ Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary ─ in developing sound philosophical and theoretical bases as well as excellence in practice; enabling them to perform an effective Christian teaching ministry.
Empowered learning communities because of passionate, reflective Christian educators "telling their stories" through sharing experiences, skills, knowledge, and research.
Articles and materials in TEACH Journal of Christian Education fall into four general categories:
• Teaching and professional practice
This section includes pedagogical practice and curriculum matters related to specific subjects; action research projects; resources; 'cameos' or ‘snapshots’ of effective and innovative classroom practice.
• Research and scholarship
A scholarly section that is comprised of refereed / peer reviewed articles including essays, philosophical papers, research reports, and reviews or critiques of issues that are of special interest.
• Educational administration
This category incorporates articles on school administration including relationships to the law, organisational culture and climate, decision making, human resources management and school development.
• Reflections, impressions and experiences
A section that contains book reviews, conference notices and reports, reflections, impressions and experiences of Christian educators, including other matters of relevance and interest.