Discover Avondale University

Prepare for Graduation: Step 6

Graduation Guide

Where to be and when

Higher Degree Research, Theology, Business, Arts/Humanities and VET

Last Opportunity to pick up RegaliaCollege Hall7:15 – 9:15am
Go to Church and find allocated seat and leave belongingsChurch9:30 – 9:40am
Line up for final checksChurch Portico9:40 – 10:00am
Graduation CeremonyChurch10:00 – 11:00am
Discipline PhotosCollege Hall11:15 – 11:45am
Family PortraitsChurch12:00 – 2:00pm
Return RegaliaCollege Hall12:00 – 2:00pm

Education and Science

Last Opportunity to pick up RegaliaCollege Hall9:15 – 11:15am
Go to Church and find allocated seat and leave belongingsChurch11:30 – 11:40am
Line up for final checksChurch Portico11:40 – 12:00am
Graduation CeremonyChurch12:00 – 1:00pm
Discipline PhotosCollege Hall1:15 – 1:45pm
Family PortraitsChurch2:00 – 4:00pm
Return RegaliaCollege Hall2:00 – 4:00pm

Nursing and Lifestyle Medicine

Last Opportunity to pick up RegaliaCollege Hall11:15 – 1:15pm
Go to Church and find allocated seat and leave belongingsChurch1:30 – 1:40pm
Line up for final checksChurch Portico1:40 – 2:00pm
Graduation CeremonyChurch2:00 – 3:00pm
Discipline PhotosCollege Hall3:15 – 3:45pm
Family PortraitsChurch4:00 – 6:00pm
Return RegaliaCollege Hall4:00 – 6:00pm

Complementary parking is available across the campus and you will be directed to park where places are available. Please allow time to park and walk to the venue and consult a map for directions. Disabled parking is available to graduands and their guests via the Graduation Invitation. Graduands: please indicate parking requirements for yourself or guests on this form.


Graduands please:

  1. Meet in the church portico area at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of your session. You will be directed to find your seat and leave your belongings and then return to a designated area for lining up in the correct order and to have your regalia checked.
  2. There will be marshals directing you where to go once you get to the church and to show you where you need to line up and sit.

Guests should:

  1. Please be seated 15 minutes before the ceremony session is due to commence.

Graduands have the opportunity to request special seating for those with a disability or medical requirement when accepting their Graduation Invitation.


Taking photographs is permitted from your seat only—no tripods in aisles, against walls, or blocking access and free movement within the venue.

Professional portrait photography is available for graduands and their guests at the conclusion of each ceremony.

$79 – Formal portrait emailed
$99 – Formal portrait plus family portrait emailed
$109 – Formal portrait plus two family portraits emailed

Archival grade prints available on request, mailed anywhere in Australia or New Zealand.

Photos will be available after each Graduation session between 12 and 6:00pm on December 8 2024.

Payments taken via credit card or cash on the day.


The graduand processional begins each Graduation session. Graduands should:

  1. Ensure tassel hangs on right of trencher
  2. Proceed as directed by marshals up centre aisle in pairs keeping two metres space between pairs
  3. Proceed as directed to allocated seat, remaining standing until directed to sit.
Presentation of awards

Graduands will receive awards in order as published in graduation booklet, graduands should:

  1. Stand in rows as directed by marshals and proceed to stairs at left of stage
  2. Proceed as directed by marshal upstairs and across stage to the Avondale University President once name is read
  3. Receive graduation folder from president for official photograph
  4. Proceed further across stage to have tassel moved to left of trencher
  5. Proceed to top of stairscase on right of stage, pausing for another photograph
  6. Proceed downstairs and return to allocated seat

This concludes the graduation session with graduates exiting row by row down aisles.
Note: Exit the foyer immediately and clear the front of the church to avoid congestion.


Avondale Branded Merchandise

Visit the Online Store to purchase Avondale t-shirts and hoodies in advance or visit our Merchandise booth on Graduation Sunday located near College Hall.

Graduation is a special time that many families choose to celebrate with special gifts and flowers.

Better Books and Food will be open 9am – 3pm Sunday December 8 with a beautiful range of graduation gifts and cards.

Bella Floral Boutique will also be on campus with posies and single stems- anyone wishing to pre-order flowers should contact and let the team know that the order is for collection at Avondale University graduation.

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