The content on this page is designed to help students navigate to several policies and procedures that govern the delivery of learning and assessment at Avondale University. It is essential for students to be familiar with the information contained on this page, as these expectations are important to the successful completion of their study.
This page is not relevant to HDR candidates or VET students.
Avondale expects students to undertake all assessment tasks with honesty and integrity. Students are responsible for ensuring that information and ideas presented in assessments are generated and communicated in an honest and ethical way, and that use of the ideas and/or writing of others is acknowledged.
The Academic Integrity Policy provides clear definitions and expectations, and outlines processes to be undertaken in the event of academic misconduct. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and understand this policy and ensure that all assessment tasks submitted are their own work and have not been submitted elsewhere for any other unit or course of study.
Students must complete the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) in their first semester. Students who have not completed the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) by the end of their first semester will have an Academic Encumbrance placed on their enrolment. This means they will automatically be prevented from enrolling in any further units until the module has been completed.
AIM is available in a student’s list of Moodle online learning courses. If AIM has previously been completed but students have not received a completion certificate, they should contact the Reference Librarian for assistance. Students must retain their certificate as this may be required for future units.
For assistance with referencing in assessments, students can check out Avondale’s referencing LibGuide.
Avondale uses Turnitin software to give students the opportunity to check their own work prior to submission, and as a plagiarism detection tool which academics use to check students’ submissions for incorrect referencing or potential plagiarism. Students should use Turnitin to check work for originality prior to final submission of tasks.
All students (on-campus and off-campus) are eligible for free academic support. Avondale Learning Advisors (Tutors) are available face to face on campus, online by Zoom, phone, or email, and can provide support with academic writing, numeracy, maths, and statistics, and English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D). This includes assistance with grammar, spelling, sentence construction, essay construction, and research skills.
Book a session via the Library website or through BookNow:
Avondale has also partnered with Studiosity who provide free 24/7, same-day feedback on academic writing. Students can access Studiosity directly through their unit Moodle site.
Students may apply for advanced standing/ credit on the basis of completed formal studies and/or recognition of prior learning. Students wishing to apply for advanced standing must complete the Advanced Standing Application (found with the policy listed below).
Related Policy and application form: Advanced Standing Policy
Students have the right to request an appeal or a review of an academic decision made by Avondale or its staff in accordance with the Appeal Policy and Appeal Procedure (Academic).
Students have the right to submit a complaint in accordance with the Complaint Resolution Policy and Procedure. Complaints can be lodged here.
Students must regularly check Moodle to stay up-to-date with assessment requirements.
Students must regularly check their Avondale email for class announcements.
Following any class absence, it is the student’s responsibility to take the necessary steps to catch up on missed work and find out about class announcements.
Students may request a re-mark of an assessment task. Students who are seeking a remark of their assessment task are to initially discuss the feedback with the relevant Unit Coordinator and/or lecturer.
If the student considers that there is still a strong case for a re-mark, an application must be made using the Application for Review of Mark Form by the student to the Head of School (form can be found with the policy listed below). This must be done within 5 working days of the assessment mark being released to students.
A request for a re-mark does not guarantee it will be granted.
Only a single re-mark will be permitted and the result of the re-mark will be recorded as the final mark for that assessment task, irrespective of its position relative to the original mark. It is not possible to appeal this decision further via the Appeals process.
Also see Assessment Re-marking Information for Students
Related Policy and application form: Assessment Policy & Procedure (HE Coursework)
Assessment tasks must be submitted by the due date and time stipulated in the relevant Unit Information.
Assessment tasks must be submitted with an Assignment Cover Page (excludes tests, quizzes, and in-person assessments such as presentations). The ‘intellectual property statement’ can be found on the Cover Page. To be eligible for marking, it must be signed and dated.
Most text-based assessment tasks will be submitted through the unit Moodle site with Turnitin. Information on Turnitin can be found here.
If students submitting via Turnitin wish to check their assessment for text similarity and make edits to improve paraphrasing and referencing, they should submit a few days prior to the due date. Students may submit multiple copies of their assessment through Turnitin and obtain a similarity score for each one, up until the assessment due date and time. The last submission prior to closure will be retained for marking.
It is the student’s responsibility to check that the correct assessment has been uploaded successfully to Turnitin. Students should retain an electronic copy of all submitted work.
When grading has been finalised, students can view their assessment feedback and grade by reopening the Turnitin submission, selecting the ‘Speech Bubble’ icon to check for comments and from there ‘View Rubric’ can be selected.
Related Policy: Assessment Policy & Procedure (HE Coursework) and Academic Integrity Policy
Students who wish to change course must submit a Change of Course Form (found with the policy listed below) and wait until they are advised that the change has been approved before they can complete all enrolment steps in the new course.
Students who submit their request after Census Day (as published in the Academic Calendar) will be liable for the full tuition fee for any unit(s) that they have had to withdraw from as a result of the course change.
Students who wish to enrol in an additional course must submit an Addition of a Course Form (found with the policy listed below) and wait until the enrolment is approved and they are advised the course has been added before they can complete all enrolment steps in the additional course.
Related Policy and application form: Unit Enrolment Policy
Students may request a change of name or title using the relevant Form, and submitting by email to [email protected], or in person to Student Administration Services (Lake Macquarie) or the School of Nursing (Sydney).
Avondale provides free and confidential counselling from qualified Christian counsellors on both the Lake Macquarie and Sydney campus, and online.
Counsellors can be contacted in the following ways:
Phone: 0403 478 994 (SMS preferred)
Email: [email protected]
Students, whether enrolled full-time or part-time, are eligible to apply for a maximum of one year of intermission at a time, for various reasons.
International students may only take intermission where there are compassionate or compelling circumstances (with supporting documentation). Intermission will be granted for a maximum of one teaching period at a time only.
Students who wish to take intermission must complete the Intermission/ Withdrawal from Course Form (found with the policy listed below) and submit to [email protected].
Students who submit their request after Census Day (as published in the Academic Calendar) will be liable for the full tuition fee for any unit(s) in which they were enrolled.
Related Policy and application form: Course Intermission Policy
Students who wish to withdraw from their course must complete the Intermission/ Withdrawal from Course Form (found with the policy listed below) and submit to [email protected].
Students who submit their request after Census Day (as published in the Academic Calendar) will be liable for the full tuition fee for any unit(s) in which they were enrolled.
Related Policy and application form: Course Withdrawal Policy
Students wishing to enrol in a unit, offered at an external institution, for credit to their Avondale course, are advised to seek the guidance of their Course Convenor.
Students will need to submit a Cross-Institutional Study Application (found with the policy listed below) to the relevant School Committee.
Where cross-institutional enrolment is already approved for an Avondale course or through an arrangement with another provider, students do not need to seek additional approval from the School Committee. However, they are required to request the Director, Student Administration Services provide an official letter granting approval to enrol in the unit/s at the external institution and stating that the cross-institutional study will be credit transferred toward their Avondale course when successfully completed.
It is the student’s responsibility to submit to Student Administration Services an original copy of the official Transcript of Academic Record from the external institution, as soon as possible after the student has successfully completed the unit/s.
Related Policy and application form: Advanced Standing Policy
Avondale staff and students are provided with an Avondale email address and access to the Avondale email service. This service represents the official channel for email communications between administration, staff and students.
Students are responsible for checking their emails and are expected to do so on a regular basis to avoid missing information relating to enrolment, fees, classes, assessments, interviews, sponsorship and employment.
Students are expected to use their Avondale email account over a personal email account to communicate with staff.
Please note these practical guidelines when communicating via email:
Related Policy: Email Use Policy: Staff & Students
See Student Connect Enrolment Guide
Avondale’s Equity Office supports students who have a disability, medical condition, or language difficulty who would like support.
Students requiring reasonable adjustments to learning and/or assessment tasks must make contact with the Equity Officer at the commencement of the relevant semester.
Special provisions and reasonable adjustments to exam conditions are also available through the Equity Office for students with a disability or medical condition. Applications must be made prior to the deadline published in the Academic Calendar for the relevant semester, with supporting documentation.
Students experiencing a short-term or unexpected medical condition or injury which may impact their ability when attending a scheduled examination may also apply for special provisions. An application must be submitted to Student Administration Services within 24 hours of the injury or illness occurring.
Related Policy: Disability Policy, Assessment Procedure (HE Coursework), Examination Procedure
Online Exams: Information for Students
Student Guidelines for Examination Reschedule, Special Provisions and Special Consideration also see ‘Rescheduled Exams’ further down on this page
Related Policy: Examination Procedure
If, in extenuating circumstances, a student requires an extension for:
They must apply using the Extension Request Form.
Please note:
Related Policy: Assessment Procedure (HE Coursework)
Students will normally be eligible to graduate from their course once they have satisfactorily completed the academic requirements of their course. Information about Graduation can be found here.
Related Policy: Graduation & Award Conferral Policy
International students admitted to Australia on student visas are expected to comply with visa requirements. Avondale is required to notify the Department of Home Affairs of any breaches.
Related Policy: International Student Policy
Students will not be permitted to enter the laboratory without wearing personal safety equipment and following safety requirements, as stipulated in the relevant Unit Information.
If an assessment task is submitted after the due date and time without an approved extension, the late submission penalty is 5% of the total possible mark for the assessment task for each day or partial day, up to and including 5 days after the due date, including weekends and public holidays. The weekend (Saturday and Sunday) will be counted as 1 day.
If an assessment is submitted more than 5 days after the due date it will not be marked, and the student will receive 0% for the task.
For some assessment tasks late submission may not be allowed and will therefore not be marked and result in 0% for the task. Where relevant, this will be stated in the Unit Outline.
Related Policy: Assessment Procedure (HE Coursework)
Avondale Libraries staff are available to help with:
The following information and resources can be found on the Avondale Libraries homepage:
It is recommended that students become familiar with this site and get a head start with their assessments by completing the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) on Moodle, which is compulsory for all students and gives valuable information about the library, plagiarism, referencing, and other academic matters.
Professional Practitioner Certificate
Where a student withdraws from a unit or course, they may be entitled to a refund, re-credit, or remission of the relevant tuition fees. This will be determined in accordance with the Refund Policy.
Whether enrolled on-campus or by distance mode, students are required to be available to undertake examinations throughout the official period designated for examinations relevant to their course, as outlined in the Academic Calendar. Students must be available at the date and time at which their examination has been scheduled.
If, due to extenuating circumstances, students are unable to be present at the scheduled time for an examination, they can submit an Examination Adjustments Application (found with the policy listed below).
If, before an examination, students feel unwell to the point that they believe they cannot sit it, they should immediately inform Student Administration Services via email.
See Student Guidelines for Examination Reschedule, Special Provisions and Special Consideration for further information.
Related Policy and application form: Examination Procedure
Where students are advised by staff to use a Statutory Declaration, they can use the NSW Statutory Declaration Ninth Schedule or the equivalent for their state or jurisdiction. It must be signed by a Justice of the Peace or equivalent.
As a student of Avondale University, students are expected to respect the values and ethos of the University, and behave in a way that upholds these values.
Avondale’s commitments to its students and the standards of behaviour expected of students are set out in the Student Charter. Students are expected to familiarise themselves with the content of that document.
All course-related textbooks can be purchased through Better Books and Food, in-store and online (contact [email protected]).
Better Books and Food (BBAF) is located on the Avondale estate, at the entry of University Drive, next to Freemans Drive. BBAF can be contacted on 02 4977 2444.
At the beginning of each semester, BBAF will set up a pop-up store at Avondale’s Sydney campus for Nursing students.
Graduates will be provided with an electronic copy of their Transcript free of charge upon graduation through My eQuals.
Copies or reprints can be requested for a fee at any time (during and post enrolment), by completing the Transcript of Academic Record Request (found with the policy listed below).
Related Policy and application form: Academic Documents Policy
Before Census
Students may withdraw from their unit(s) by completing the Unit Withdrawal Before Census Day Request (found with the policy listed below) and submitting to [email protected].
After Census
Students may withdraw from their unit(s) by completing the Unit Withdrawal After Census Day Request (found with the policy listed below) and submitting to [email protected].
Students withdrawing from units after Census Day (as published in the Academic Calendar) will be liable for the full tuition fee for each unit.
Related Policy and application form: Unit Enrolment Policy